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Market Research and Entrepreneurship: Statistics Relevant to Market and Business Development Research

Describes datasets relevant to research on markets and business planning in Data Planet.

Markets and Business Development Research

Many datasets included in the Data Planet repository are relevant to this broad subject area:

  • Analyze data at the zip-code and county level to understand prospective markets for new products. 
  • Examine consumer trends.
  • Explore financial data on competitors and their products.

....and much, much more. 


In this search guide, specific sources and datasets are highlighted to illuminate how the statistics they contain may relate to your research in marketing and entrepreneurship.


Also see....

Be sure to visit the Business, Marketing, and Economics Search Guide for additional information on researching national and international business environments and macroeconomic indicators!

Accessing and Viewing Statistics in the Data Planet Repository

Data Planet Statistical Datasets, which offers powerful functionality for comparing and contrasting multiple indicators, multiple export options, and customizable infographics complete with statistical abstracts and citations that can be used in your own work products and papers.

For more information on the Data Planet interface, visit the Data Planet Statistical Datasets guide.

What Datasets Are Included in Data Planet Statistical Datasets?

To check which datasets are included in Data Planet Statistical Datasets, or to see if your institution subscribes to any premium datasets, which include several consumer segmentation datasets (EASI Analytics, Claritas Consumer Profiles, and Claritas Financial and Insurance Clout), enter Statistical Datasets and explore the Indicator column on the left-hand side of the screen. If you subscribe to any premium datasets, you'll see them listed, along with all available datasets, in the indicator tree on the left-hand side of the screen. Datasets and indicators may be browsed by broad subject category and by source.


For a full listing of time series available in Data Planet, and the sources of these time series, see Data Planet Datasets and Sources.For information on how datasets are selected for inclusion in Data-Planet, please see the Data Planet Coverage Policy.

Sample DataSheet: Median Household Income by State



Data Planet



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