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Social and Cultural Anthropology: Overview

Explore the Data Planet repository of statistical datasets on topics of relevance to sociocultural anthropology.

Statistics and Anthropology

The American Anthropological Association provides useful links to information on research design, data collection, and data analysis resources on its website. In some cases, you will be collecting and analyzing your own data and in others, you will find it helpful to consult datasets that are collected and disseminated by others. As with textual and digital resources, you should consider the authority and credibility of the data source. 


Data Planet



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Datasets Relevant to Sociocultural Anthropology Coursework in Data Planet

Data Planet Statistical Datasets provides access to billions of statistics from authoritative sources and offers the ability to compare statistics across geographies and populations in a common platform. Browse and search datasets to help you narrow in on a research question or to provide support for a hypothesis you are testing.

In this guide, you will find information on datasets of particular relevance to the field of sociocultural anthropology. Explore a wide range of topics:

  • How does life expectancy vary by nation?
  • What is the household composition of a geographic area of interest?
  • How do various countries and/or regions measure up on rights of women and girls?
  • How does educational attainment vary by income group?
  • What areas of the United States have the highest concentration of immigrants from the Middle East?
  • In countries where polygamy is legal, how do the people fare on variables like education (by gender), and measures of economic inequality?

What Datasets Are Included in Data Planet Statistical Datasets?

To see which datasets are included in Data Planet, go to the Data Planet home page and view the "Browse Data by" section to see which Subjects and Sources are available to begin your search.  Subject areas of interest in sociocultural anthropology would include Education, International Relations and Trade, Population and Income, etc. Explore by Source by opening up listings for some of the organizations identified in this guide.

Subject Browse:

Browse By Subject Menu

Source Browse:

Browse By Source Menu

All datasets are also visible within the "Datasets" page using tabbed browsing via the left-hand navigation:

Left-Hand Navigation

If your institution subscribes to any premium datasets, they will appear in the left-hand navigation on the "Featured" tab, as well as within the appropriate Subject and Source tab listings.. 

For a full listing of datasets available in Data Planet Statistical Datasets, and the sources of these datasets, see Data Planet Datasets and Sources.

Sample Dataset

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