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Data Planet Statistical Datasets Quick Reference Guide: Tips and Tricks

Use this short guide for a quick tour of the Data Planet Statistical Datasets interface.

Easy Navigation and Interaction Tips

1. From the Help button on the top tool bar, access the Data Planet Accessibility Toolkit, an FAQ page, and the complete library of Data Planet search guides. Your library has the option of adding additional links, so some of you  may also see a Chat or other options:


2. Compare multiple datasets using the Compare Data option. Clicking on the option opens checkboxes in the listing of datasets, as below:

3. When comparing datasets, use the Filter option to toggle between the selected datasets and make new selections to further modify your chart:


4. Use the search box in pop-out windows to quickly land on an item of interest:

5Send your visualizations and data to colleagues, faculty, and students by creating permanent links (DOIs), using the "Create DOI link" that appears below the charts. The URL link provided ensures that the person viewing it will see the exact version of the chart at the time you created it.

6. Find options for visualizing and customization of your charts in the Chart Options link below the center tool bar. Each chart type offers different options. Below you'll see the options for Rank charts:

7. Hovering over an item in the chart legend makes that item less prominent in the chart. If you click on an item, it will be removed from your chart view.

8. View the underlying data by clicking on the Table link in the center tool bar. And so many options when you do!

1. Export data to a preferred file format.

2. Toggle between ascending and descending row order by clicking on the column heading.

3. Search within data values in the table using precise search options.


9. Find related data by clicking on the Subject Terms links in the descriptions below the visualizations:



10. Interested in honing in on just a portion of a trend? Click on the beginning data point of interest and drag the cursor to the end point. Clicking on the "Reset zoom" option will reset the chart to the full trend.

11. Use the Calculator to derive new data values.    

Click on the Calculator icon on the far right of the center tool bar. You can either type in  your own formula or select a preformatted formula, as in the example below.

1. Create your indicator name.

2. Select the precision of the data value you are creating.

3. To select a preformatted formula, open the drop down menu in the Function bar.


After saving to the chart, a new data column displays in the chart, along with the new trend.



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