The Data Planet repository includes many indicators related to agricultural production and operations, as well as food consumption, in the United States, primarily sourced from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Statistics range from the counts of livestock and farms, to crop prices, crops planted and harvested, crop yield, and much, much more.
(EZproxy users, please visit here.)
In Data Planet, the many indicators on the topic of U.S. agriculture can be viewed as stand-alone trends, charts, or maps. For example, the chart below shows the annual trend of the production of American cheese in Wisconsin since 1970:
Create a comparison of acres harvested vs. planted of pumpkins as in the chart below.
To select multiple indicators, select Compare Datasets in the left navigation pane and make selections in the dataset list to create your comparison
Try it yourself with other indicators, such as Gross Domestic Product, weight trends, and more. Keep in mind that the graphs you create do not necessarily imply causality: the results may suggest a potential relationship between the variables you select, which may be an interesting line of inquiry for your own research.
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