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Data Axle Reference Solutions: About Data Axle Datasets

About Data Axle

Established in 1972 as Infogroup, Data Axle is a big data, analytics, and marketing services provider. Data Axle provides both digital and traditional marketing channel expertise drawing on proprietary data collected on millions of U.S. businesses.

About Data Axle Reference Solutions: Historical US Business

Formerly named Infogroup Business USA, this dataset provides establishment-level information on businesses in the United States, at national, state, county, and ZIP code levels. Data on businesses in US territories are also included. Data are collected from multiple sources, including direct calls to businesses. The resource is a comprehensive source of information on small- and medium-sized businesses.

About Data Axle Reference Solutions: Historical US Residential

Formerly named Infogroup Residential USA, this dataset provides household-level information on residences in the United States, at national, state, county, census tract, and ZIP code levels. Estimates of household income, wealth, purchasing power, and home value by residences are segmented by household and dwelling characteristics, allowing users to analyze community growth and declines in population and economic levels over time across geographies.

About Data Axle Reference Solutions: Historical Canadian Business

The Data Axle (formerly Infogroup) Historical Canadian Business dataset provides establishment-level information on businesses in Canada at the national, provincial, territorial, and forward sortation area levels. Data are collected from multiple sources, including direct calls to businesses. The resource is a comprehensive source of information on small- and medium-sized businesses.

Data Axle Historical US Business: DataSheet and Search Examples

Click on the links below to view DataSheets comprising statistical abstracts complete with infographics of indicators describing US business and industry created in Data Planet. Log in to explore the data at even more granularity - as well as relationships between these statistics and other indicators in the vast Data Planet repository. 

The integration of the Data Axle Historical US Business dataset into Data Planet allows users to drill deep into the dataset and create customized charts, trends, rankings, and maps comparing companies, company subsidiaries, and industries across states, counties, and ZIP codes. Analyze competing companies; explore industries for untapped opportunity; target communities for product launch; and much more. In reviewing the samples below, identify the question(s) the data answers for marketing and entrepreneurial initiatives.

Residential Building Construction industries - ranking of Arizona counties

Golf Courses and Country Clubs  - ranking of South Carolina ZIP codes by count of employees of golf courses and country clubs

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting revenue/sales - ranking of revenue/sales earnings of agriculture industries in California counties

Oil and Gas Extraction industries - ranking of the top 15 Texas counties by count of companies involved in oil and gas extraction

Fruit and Tree Nut Farming - compares the trend in revenue and sales earnings of fruit and tree nut farming in Georgia and Florida.

Urban Transit Systems - compares counts of employees in Illinois and New York

Burger King locations - ranks US states by number of Burger King locations in 2015

Burger King revenue/sales - compares revenue/sales at two Burger King locations in Maryland

Data Axle Historical US Residential: DataSheet and Search Examples

Click on the links below to view DataSheets comprising statistical abstracts complete with infographics of indicators describing US business and industry created in Data Planet. Log in to explore the data at even more granularity - as well as relationships between these statistics and other indicators in the vast Data Planet repository. 

The integration of the Data Axle Historical US Residential dataset into Data Planet allows users to drill deep into the dataset and create customized charts, trends, rankings, and maps comparing areas by household and dwelling characteristics. The data provides rich opportunity to understand an area's social and economic profile informing business and policy development initiatives.

Number of Credit Cards of Household by Home Value - ranking of % of households with 1 vs 4 credit cards by value of home in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Home Value by Year Built  - ranking of Fairfield County, Connecticut, homes with an estimated value of $600,000-$699,999 by year built

Households with Annual Income over $500,000 - maps Virginia households with estimated annual household income over $500,000

Household Income by Number of Children - ranks households with estimated annual income of $75,000-$99,999 by number of children in Austin County, Texas.

Household Purchasing Power by Location Type - maps Texas counties by percentage of households with estimated  purchasing power of $1-$24,999 that reside in single-family dwellings.

Household Purchasing Power by Age of Head of Household - ranks percentage of households with estimated purchasing power of over $500,000 by age of head of householder in Boulder, Colorado.

Household Wealth by Square Footage of Dwelling - ranks Wyoming households with estimated wealth of $1,000,000-$2,499,999 by square footage of the household dwelling.

Household Wealth by Length of Residence - ranks Florida households that have resided at their residence 20 or more years by estimated household wealth.

Data Axle Historical Canadian Business: DataSheet and Search Examples

Click on the links below to view DataSheets comprising statistical abstracts complete with infographics of indicators describing US business and industry created in Data Planet. Log in to explore the data at even more granularity - as well as relationships between these statistics and other indicators in the vast Data Planet repository. 

The integration of the Data Axle Historical Canadian Business dataset into Data Planet allows users to drill deep into the dataset and create customized charts, trends, rankings, and maps comparing companies and industries across Canadian geographies. Analyze competing companies; explore industries for untapped opportunity; target communities for product launch; and much more. In reviewing the samples below, identify the question(s) the data answers for business and economic development initiatives.

Residential Building Construction industries - ranking of provinces and territories by counts of residential building construction companies

Audio and Video Manufacturing - ranks provinces and territories by number of persons employed in audio and video manufacturing businesses

Silverware, jewelry and plated ware manufacturing - compares trend in number of persons employed in silverware, jewelry and plateware manufacturing in the western provinces

Liquor Stores revenue and sales - compares trends in four Canadian provinces

Arts, recreation and amusement - maps Canadian provinces by revenue and sales in these industries

Compares 2023 revenue/sales for animal rescue societies in Ontario and British Columbia


Data Planet



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