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Data Citation and Data Planet: General Information

Provides an overview of best practices for citing datasets found in Data Planet.

Citation Formats for Datasets and Infographics

A reference list citing the sources used in preparing a research paper or work product is generally required. Citing sources serves several purposes, including

  • making it possible to return to that source for additional investigation
  • ensuring that your research is reproducible
  • allowing the impact of scholarly work to be measured.

Failure to provide attribution to the sources consulted in preparing a research is considered evidence of plagiarism, that is, the presentation of others’ work as your own.

As with other electronic resources, citing datasets and infographics presents certain challenges and standards are evolving in this area.

There are many valuable resources to help you construct a properly formatted citation. Your first resource should be the style manual guide for the specific style required for your research paper or work product. Consult your faculty, writing center, or library for more information.

A great resource on Data Citation is available through IASSIST  (International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology). Click here to access the IASSIST Quick Guide to Data Citation



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