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College Athletics - Participation, Expenditures, Revenue: About College Athletics Metrics

Includes indicators describing college athletic programs in the United States, including statistics on counts of participants, coaching staff, expenditures, and revenues.

About College Athletics

Any coeducational postsecondary institution in the United States that participates in the federal student financial assistance programs and has an intercollegiate athletic program is required by the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, 20 USC 1092(g) (also known as the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act [EADA]), to participate in the annual EADA data collection. Through this survey, data are collected by the US Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education on athletic participation, staffing, and revenues and expenses, by men's, women's, and coed varsity teams. The Department of Education uses this information in preparing its required report to the Congress on gender equity in intercollegiate athletics. EADA survey results are also made publicly available and are intended to help make prospective students aware of a school's commitment to providing equitable athletic opportunities for male and female students. The dataset presented here includes data on all reporting institutions by school year for a consecutive twelve-month period of time designated by the institution for the purposes of the EADA Report. (Note that the year indicated refers to the beginning of the school year: eg, 2011 represents the period 2011-2012.)

College Athletics Indicators: DataSheet and Search Examples

Clink on the links below to view DataSheets comprising statistical abstracts complete with infographics of metrics associated with intercollegiate athletic programs in the United States in Data Planet Statistical Datasets to further manipulate the data and explore relationships between these statistics and other indicators in the vast Data Planet repository. [Note that when you are logged into Data Planet, you can also create an updated version of the DataSheet to view the latest version of the data.]

The indicators below are linked to DataSheets. These are just a sampling to give you an idea of the granularity of the available data. There are many, many more indicators on this topic in the repository  - use additional search terms or contact your library staff for help in formulating your search strategy.

Participation ; Shows top 10 colleges in the US with respect to the number of participants in squash in 2017.

Coaching Counts : Ranks sports programs at Michigan State University by number of assistant men's football coaches.

Total Expenses : Shows the trend in total expenses per team for gymnastics at the University of Maryland - College Park.

Operating Expenses : Shows the trend in operating (game-day) expenses at Penn State vs University of Pittsburgh.

Revenue : Shows a ranking of Alabama colleges with respect to revenues earned from college athletics.

Sample DataSheet: Game-Day Expenses

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