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Data Planet Datasets and Sources: Data Planet Time Series and Source Organizations

Provides information on the datasets and indicators included in the vast Data Planet repository of statistical data, along with a listing of the source organizations that provide the data included in the repository.

Data Planet Statistical Datasets Coverage Policy

The statistical datasets included in the Data Planet repository are added based on an evaluation and prioritization process that takes into account the following factors:

  1. Customer request for a particular dataset to be added to the repository
  2. Authority of the source organization that collects, analyzes, and releases the dataset
  3. Statistical credibility of the dataset: considered here is how well documented the dataset is with respect to sampling, data collection methodology, and data analysis procedures
  4. Fit of the dataset within the repository’s scope of coverage, defined at a high level by 16 subject areas
  5. Reliability of the source organization data release process, especially timeliness and regularity of updates

To identify new datasets for addition to the repository, the data development and editorial teams periodically assess gaps of coverage by subject area. In addition, government, nongovernmental, international, and other organizational websites and news releases are followed on an ongoing basis to identify new datasets for evaluation and potential addition to the repository.

Suggestions on datasets to add to Data Planet repository are always welcome! Please contact us at


Data Series Available in Data Planet

Time series providing statistics in the 16 broad subject areas listed below are available in the Data Planet repository. 

· Agriculture & Food · Industry, Business, & Commerce
· Banking, Finance, & Insurance · International Relations & Trade
· Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement · Labor & Employment
· Education · Military & Defense
· Energy Resources & Industries · Natural Resources & Environment
· Government & Politics · Population & Income
· Health & Vital Statistics ·  Prices, Consumption, & Cost of Living
· Housing & Construction · Transportation & Traffic



Data Planet Source Organizations

Administrative Office of the US Courts Intercontinental Exchange Benchmark Administration
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Internal Revenue Service
Australian Bureau of Statistics International Monetary Fund
Barchart NASDAQ OMX Group (US)
BSE Limited (India) National Bureau of Economic Research
Bureau of Economic Analysis National Cancer Institute
Bureau of Justice Statistics National Center for Education Statistics
Bureau of Labor Statistics National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Bureau of Transportation Statistics National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Center for International Comparisons of Production, Income and Prices National Science Foundation
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Nikkei (Japan)
Children’s Bureau Office of Management and Budget
China Data Institute Office of Postsecondary Education
Claritas OECD
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Quandl
Data Axle  Public Health Agency of Canada
Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board
Defense Manpower Data Center S&P Dow Jones Indices (US)
Deutsche Börse Group (Germany) Shanghai Stock Exchange (China)
Easy Analytic Software Inc. (EASI) Sharadar
Energy Information Administration Social Security Administration
Environmental Protection Agency Standard & Poor's (US)
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Stevens Analytics
European Commission Statistics Canada
  Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
Eurostat United Nations
Exchange Data International United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Federal Bureau of Investigation United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation US Department of Agriculture
Federal Election Commission US Department of Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency  US Department of Housing & Urban Development
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council US Department of Labor
Federal Housing Finance Agency US Department of the Treasury
Federal Highway Administration US Department of Veterans Affairs
Federal Housing Finance Agency US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Federal Procurement Data System US House of Representatives Office of the Clerk
Federal Reserve Board US Senate Historical Office
Freddie Mac US Office of Personnel Management
Groningen Growth and Development Centre US Senate Office of Public Records
HSI Services Limited (Hong Kong) Woods & Poole Economic, Inc.
Institute for Supply Management World Bank
Institute of Museum and Library Services World Resource Institute
  World Trade Organization


The inclusion of datasets in Data Planet from the sources listed here does not imply sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation, favoring or other association with SAGE, Data Planet, and/or any other SAGE products or services by any of the source organizations.

Data Planet



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ATTN Library Administrators: Please feel free to re-use and customize Data Planet guides for your institution.

Searching the Data Planet Repository

Data Planet provides easy access to an extensive breadth of standardized and structured statistical data. The Data Planet application contains more than 65 billion data points from 90+ source organizations, presented in customizable charts, maps, graphs, and table form, complete with metadata describing the source data. The friendly user interface offers powerful capabilities to dynamically compare and manipulate the billions of statistical indicators available.



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