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Claritas Consumer Profiles: About Claritas Consumer Profiles

About Claritas Consumer Profiles

The Claritas Consumer Profiles datasets comprise three different geo-demographic segmentation products: ConneXions®, PRIZM® Premier, and P$YCLE® Premier.

Claritas Consumer Profiles help identify groups of consumers who are as likely, more likely, or less likely than the average segment, to engage in various behaviors. 

ConneXions, the Claritas segmentation system for communications marketers, classifies US households into 53 consumer segments based on the video, voice, and data purchasing preferences of that household. The ConneXions typology combines the Claritas Lifestage typology—Younger Years, Family Life, and Mature Years—with a proprietary model, Technodoption, that measures the willingness of a household to adopt new technology early in its lifecycle. The Technoadoption levels are defined as High, Mid, Low, and No Tech. Within the three Lifestage classes, the 53 segments are further grouped into 10 Lifestage Groups by combining three variables—Technodoption, householder age, and presence of children at home—to describe the likely lifestyle of the segments in that group. 

PRIZM Premier classifies US households into 68 consumer segments based on household purchasing preferences and demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Segments are defined according to socioeconomic rank, including characteristics such as income, education, occupation, and home value, and are grouped into 11 PRIZM Lifestage Groups and Social Groups. In PRIZM Lifestage Groups, segments are classified as Younger Years, Family Life, and Mature Years, and further into 11 groupings, based on affluence, householder age, and presence of children at home to offer a more robust picture of the consumer. PRIZM Social Groups are based on urbanization class and affluence. Within each of four urbanization class categories—Urban, Suburban, Second City, or Town & Rural—segments are sorted into groups based on affluence. Statistics cover the purchasing behaviors of segments and segment groups with respect to products ranging from apparel, consumer package goods, and financial services to home furnishings and media/technology. 

P$YCLE Premier, the Claritas segmentation system for financial marketers, classifies US households into 60 consumer segments based in part on the income-producing assets (IPA) of the household. Within three Lifestage classes—Younger Years, Family Life, and Mature Years—the 60 segments are further grouped into 12 Lifestage Groups by combining three variables—affluence, householder age, and presence of children at home—to describe the likely lifestyle of the segments in that group. A proprietary model, the Claritas Income Producing Assets Indicators model, is used to estimate the liquid assets of a household based on responses to the Claritas Financial Track survey of financial behaviors. 

Finding Premium Datasets by Subject

The Claritas Consumer Profiles database is one of seven premium datasets available in the Data Planet repository. (The others are Claritas Financial and Insurance CLOUT, China Data Institute [subnational data], Data Axle Historical US Business, Data Axle Historical US Residential, Data Axle Historical Canadian Business, EASI Market Planner, and Woods and Poole). For more information on the premium offerings, click here.) 

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Claritas Consumer Profiles: DataSheet and Search Examples

Clink on the links below to view DataSheets comprising statistical abstracts complete with infographics of indicators describing demographic characteristics and behavior patterns of US consumers created in Sage Data. Log in to explore the data at even more granularity—as well as relationships between these statistics and other indicators in the vast Data Planet repository. 

Claritas Consumer Profiles includes three consumer segmentation systems:

  • ConneXions, designed for communications marketers, classifies households by video, voice, and data purchasing preferences.
  • PRIZM Premier, designed to find customers and prospects, classifies households by behaviors.
  • P$YCLE Premier, designed for financial marketers, classifies households by income-producing assets (IPA) of the household.
Click on the DOI links below to explore the examples listed. In reviewing the examples below, identify the implications for marketing initiatives. Segment descriptions are linked from the technical documentation that you'll find when you log into Data Planet.


→ Customer counts by behavior help you understand the lifestyle and behavior of a segment:

  • Which ConneXions segments are characterized by having the most adults that regularly purchase organic foods? Click here.
  • Which segment of the PRIZM Young Achievers category - characterized as lower midscale, living in urban/metro neighborhoods that are above average in technology use - have the highest concentration of adults who characteristically drink liquor most often? Click here.
  • P$YCLE segments are defined based on affluence, householder age, and presence of children at home. Which segments are most likely to "Always" vote in statewide elections? Click here.

→ The Market Potential Index helps you estimate customer potential based on the segment penetration rates of a chosen product, service, or lifestyle behavior:

  • Which ConneXions segments spent $2500 or more on Internet purchases in the past year? Click here.
  • Which PRIZM Premier segments were more likely to purchase carpet at Home Depot vs Lowe's in the past 12 months?  Click here.
  • Which P$YCLE Premier segments evidence the highest potential for 529 or other college savings plans?  Click here.

→ Market Penetration shows number of users per 100 households providing an indicator of uptake of consumer products/services/lifestyle:

  • Which ConneXions segments show the highest number of users per household that use pediatrics services? Click here.
  • Use of American Express credit cards is most highly penetrated in which P$YCLE segments? Click here.
  • Which PRIZM Premier segments have the highest penetration of households ordering from mail catalogs in the past 12 months?  Click here.

→ Segment Distributions shows the geographic distribution of a segment(s): 

  • Compare Connecticut ZIP codes for distribution of the ConneXions segment "Cyber Sophisticates - Wealthy Middle Age without Kids": Click here.
  • Explore the distribution of Young Digerati - a PRIZM Premier segment characterized as tech-savvy and living in fashionable neighborhoods on the urban fringe - in Florida: Click here.
  • Which states have higher percentages of households that are Comfortably Retired - the P$YCLE segment defined as poster children for living below one's means? Click here.

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About Claritas

Claritas is a leading provider of intelligent marketing information and target marketing. Pioneering a technique for geo-demographic segmentation in the 1970s, Claritas provides information about people, households, and businesses within any geographic area in the United States. Today, Claritas offers over 60 marketing databases, consumer segmentation systems, consulting services and software applications for site analysis, advertising sales, and customer targeting services. 

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