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Claritas Consumer Profiles: Exploring Claritas Consumer Profiles in Data Planet Statistical Datasets

About Claritas

Claritas is a leading provider of intelligent marketing information and target marketing. Pioneering a technique for geo-demographic segmentation in the 1970s, Claritas provides information about people, households, and businesses within any geographic area in the United States. Today, Claritas offers over 60 marketing databases, consumer segmentation systems, consulting services and software applications for site analysis, advertising sales, and customer targeting services. 

About Claritas Consumer Profiles

The Claritas Consumer Profiles datasets comprise three different geo-demographic segmentation products: ConneXions®, PRIZM® Premier, and P$YCLE® Premier.

Claritas Consumer Profiles help identify groups of consumers who are as likely, more likely, or less likely than the average segment, to engage in various behaviors. 

ConneXions, the Claritas segmentation system for communications marketers, classifies US households into 53 consumer segments based on the video, voice, and data purchasing preferences of that household. The ConneXions typology combines the Claritas Lifestage typology—Younger Years, Family Life, and Mature Years—with a proprietary model, Technodoption, that measures the willingness of a household to adopt new technology early in its lifecycle. The Technoadoption levels are defined as High, Mid, Low, and No Tech. Within the three Lifestage classes, the 53 segments are further grouped into 10 Lifestage Groups by combining three variables—Technodoption, householder age, and presence of children at home—to describe the likely lifestyle of the segments in that group. 

PRIZM Premier classifies US households into 68 consumer segments based on household purchasing preferences and demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Segments are defined according to socioeconomic rank, including characteristics such as income, education, occupation, and home value, and are grouped into 11 PRIZM Lifestage Groups and Social Groups. In PRIZM Lifestage Groups, segments are classified as Younger Years, Family Life, and Mature Years, and further into 11 groupings, based on affluence, householder age, and presence of children at home to offer a more robust picture of the consumer. PRIZM Social Groups are based on urbanization class and affluence. Within each of four urbanization class categories—Urban, Suburban, Second City, or Town & Rural—segments are sorted into groups based on affluence. Statistics cover the purchasing behaviors of segments and segment groups with respect to products ranging from apparel, consumer package goods, and financial services to home furnishings and media/technology. 

P$YCLE Premier, the Claritas segmentation system for financial marketers, classifies US households into 60 consumer segments based in part on the income-producing assets (IPA) of the household. Within three Lifestage classes—Younger Years, Family Life, and Mature Years—the 60 segments are further grouped into 12 Lifestage Groups by combining three variables—affluence, householder age, and presence of children at home—to describe the likely lifestyle of the segments in that group. A proprietary model, the Claritas Income Producing Assets Indicators model, is used to estimate the liquid assets of a household based on responses to the Claritas Financial Track survey of financial behaviors. 

Output Types

There are many ways to deliver data from Data Planet Statistical Datasets using the Export button located on the menu bar:

The options allow you to export data for manipulation in other programs, infographics for use in work products, and pdfs of data views, and more. 

Export Data

If you want to export the underlying data, use Excel, Delimited Text, SAS, or XML options. All of these options allow users to download the data into different programs (spreadsheets and a statistical software package) and manipulate it there. If you have used the Calculator feature to create formulas for additional data points, these data points are downloaded, as well.

The option to download to a Shapefile (only available for map views) allows users to export the map information to software that displays maps to ESRI requirements.

If you need to export data for importing into statistical software program(s), consult the documentation provided for that program. Available export formats for Data Planet Statistical Datasets include Delimited Text, Excel, and SAS, which can be imported into these common software programs, as below:

SPSS (Delimited Text and Excel)
STAT (Excel)

Please let us know if there are other programs you use that it would be helpful for us to export. Contact us here


There are four options for exporting the charts you create and the accompanying descriptions:

  • PDF - from the Export menu
  • DataSheets - by creating a DOI link that resolves to a view that can be printed (using browser or keyboard options, eg, Ctrl P) 
  • Embeds - generate an embed code that can be entered in your own web applications (eg, a website, LibGuide, WordPress blog, etc.). See below for more detail.

Exploring Claritas Consumer Profiles in Data Planet

In Data Planet, the statistics in the Claritas Consumer Profiles Consumer Counts, Market Potential Index, and Market Penetration indicators are best viewed as ranking charts. For example, to explore which segments have the most consumers that engage in basketball, first select Subject = Sports, which changes the listing of Behaviors to sports-related activities. Use the pop-out to search for basketball: 

To view a ranking of segments, use the Rank by options in the center tool bar to select Segment as the rank option: 


Click on Rank to return the chart below, which ranks segments by count of adults in a segment who have played basketball in the past 12 months:


As you can see, the chart is very dense—because there are so many segments, it is difficult to easily view them in a single chart. In these cases, consider using Chart Options to limit the number of segments included, for example to the top 10—you might also wish to change the default chart view to one of the other options available:

Click here to view the resulting chart, complete with descriptive information about the dataset used to create it. Data visualizations and summaries can be exported  by clicking on the Export link in the menu bar above the chart and selecting the PDF option. The Create DOI link below each chart you create allows you to create a DOI that ensures that each time you reference the data in a paper or elsewhere that the reader can view the exact view of the data at the time you created it. For more information on DOIs, click here

The implementation of Claritas Consumer Profiler datasets in Data Planet allows you to compare indicators across states, counties, zip codes, and census tracts, so be sure to explore the many options available to do so. For more information on selecting data for viewing, click here.

See the examples in this guide and explore the datasets yourself! Keep in mind that the graphs you create do not necessarily imply causality: the results may suggest a potential relationship between the variables you select, which may be an interesting line of inquiry for your own research.


Claritas: Geographic Distribution of Segments

Create charts of Segment Distributions indicators to explore where the segments you are interested in are concentrated geographically. In the example above, we can see that the "You and I Tunes" segment has the highest ranking in Market Potential for this activity. If you're a retailer of basketball shoes considering how to expand into Maryland, you might be interested in knowing which Maryland ZIP codes have the highest percentage of households engaging in basketball:

top Maryland ZIP codes for counts of households participating in basketball-related activities


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